Furthermore, Kubernetes makes your application highly scalable by letting you upscale or downscale the number of nodes according to the load on the application. Kubernetes makes your application highly available Your application remains online even if you go offline. It helps you in networking, load-balancing, security, and scaling across all Kubernetes nodes that run your containers.

Kubernetes acts like a control station that lets you look, after managing them, and take necessary actions. By coupling the container with Kubernetes you are allowed to orchestrate them. You can make a Docker container once and run it anywhere without changing them. However, Kubernetes is still a more extensive and sought after software to couple with Docker than Docker Swarm.

Docker inc., the company behind Docker, introduced its own cluster manager, Docker Swarm. Kubernetes is a container orchestration software.ĭocker is meant to run one node whereas, Kubernetes is meant to run a cluster of those nodes.